4400 Beulah Road, N. Chesterfield, VA 23237
Phone (804) 275-7962 / Fax (804) 271-4604

“The Mission of St. Augustine Catholic Church is provide a community where people of all nations can encounter Christ through, the proclamation of the Word of God, the celebration of the Sacraments and service of our brothers and sisters.”

Welcome to Saint Augustine Catholic Church! Our parish marks June 10, 1973 as the official date of founding. Our beloved Monsignor McMahon arranged to have Mass celebrated earlier than that because the need was so great. On Saturday, April 14, 1973 our very first Mass was celebrated at Bensley Elementary School. To learn more, please visit the “Our History” page.

Mass Times/Horario de Misa

Sunday Mass/Misa Dominical
Weekend masses are celebrated on Saturday/sábado:
5:00 pm -English, 7:00-Español
Sunday/domingo 9:00 am-English, 11:30am y 1:30 pm Español.

Weekday Mass/Misa entre semana
Mass in English Monday-Thursday at 9:00 am.
Misa en español el martes (con adoración), jueves y el primer viernes de cada mes a las 7:00 pm.

Sacrament of Penance/
Sacramento de la Penitencia

Martes -durante la adoración
Saturday 3:45- 4:45 y sábado 6:15-6:45 pm

Tuesday during Adoration
Saturday before the 5:00 mass (3:45-4:45) and before the 7:00 mass (6:15-6:45 pm).



Parish News (April 13 & 14, 2024)
April 13, 2024
  • It is that time again to begin our calendar planning for the new fiscal year. To all committee coordinators, please turn in your proposed schedules on Monday, May 13th by 4:30pm.   Once your dates are reviewed and approved, you will be notified.
  • We kindly ask please do not park in the lot at Beulah Church.




Noticias de la Parroquia (13 y 14 de abril, 2024)
April 13, 2024
  • Ha llegado nuevamente el momento de comenzar la planificación del calendario para el nuevo año fiscal. A todos los coordinadores de los comités, entreguen sus horarios propuestos el lunes 13 de mayo antes de las 4:30pm. Una vez que sus fechas sean revisadas y aprobadas, se le notificará.
  • La Renovación Carismática te invita a su retiro el 27 y 28 de abril aquí en el salón parroquial. Inscripción después de la misa.
  • Le pedimos que por favor no estacione su carro en el parquéo de la Iglesia Beulah.
  • Atención Peruanos! El Consulado General del Perú en Washington D.C. estará acompañándonos en Richmond el Viernes 26 y sábado 27 de abril en la oficina de Latinos en Virginia Centro de Empoderamiento. Podrá hacer todos los trámites que se realizan en el consulado en Washington DC. Para más información busque un volante en el área de información.


Daily Reading

Daily Readings

Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter
April 23, 2024

Reading 1 Acts 11:19-26

Those who had been scattered by the persecution
that arose because of Stephen
went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch,
preaching the word to no one but Jews.
There were some Cypriots and Cyrenians among them, however,
who came to Antioch and began to speak to the Greeks as well,

Upcoming Events

The Most Recent Mass in English

La Ultima Misa en Español